Walker Eacho


Software Development Intern

athenahealth, Watertown, MA. May 2017-August 2017

During my internship at athenahealth, I worked in a team comprised of two other intern developers and a full time scrum master to add functionality to athena's clinicals software and better integrate it with athenaText, their HIPAA complient text messaging service.

My team focused on improving attributions, small taglines at the end of doctors notes that describe the Who What and When of changes to notes. As an example, an attribution could say "Entered by John Smith, MD. | 21:03, 07-19-2017".

We improved the loading performance of retrieving attributions by a factor of 2 and created a hyperlink on the provider name which would open their athenaText profile page.

The new feature is scheduled to begin alpha testing in the late fall of 2017.

Through this experience, I gained exposure to the agile workflow, full-stack programming, and enterprise software development as well as working and effectively communicating with teams in Watertown; Austin, Texas; and Chennai, India.

Assistant Video Manager

Duke University Football Team, Durham NC. October 2015-Present.

As a student assistant, I helped film practices and games for the Duke University Football Team.

Software Development Intern

Pixspan, Rockville, Md. June 2016-August 2016

As an intern, I worked on my own to build compression and decompression drivers in C to expand the Pixspan Compression library to work with a new image format.

Working for Pixspan gave me a great sense of what its like to work in emerging technologies, as well as what I was capable of working individually.

Mobility and Robotic Systems Intern

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. June 2015-August 2015>

Developed initial prototypes for a modular robotic tool changer, scalable for robots of almost any size. My focus was on passing power and high speed communication through a removable joint.

Working on a six-intern team, coming from four different schools and five different degree paths, I learned the power of diverse mindsets and the importance of great communication skills when trying to integrate such diversity.

Software Projects

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